Shawn Leven creates Friends of Pickleball on Longboat Key

The Longboater is pursuing nonprofit status for the group with the goal of making the sport more accessible on the Key.

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  • | 5:00 a.m. September 17, 2024
Resident Shawn Leven started Friends of Pickleball to make pickleball more accessible on Longboat Key.
Resident Shawn Leven started Friends of Pickleball to make pickleball more accessible on Longboat Key.
Photo by Petra Rivera
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As a dedicated tennis player, Longboat resident Shawn Leven once said she would never play pickleball.

Her mind was changed when she noticed the sport's rise in popularity and its social impact. Since moving to Longboat two years ago, pickleball has become her favorite sport and is the key to making friends wherever she goes.

Leven started Friends of Pickleball in March for the players at Bayfront Park on the island. Leven is pursuing 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and said the group's goal will be to improve courts and make pickleball more accessible on Longboat Key.

What made you pick up a paddle?

I started playing tennis when I was young but sustained a shoulder injury. Many pickleball players have had injuries from other sports. After my injury, I didn't go back to tennis. I actually had triplets and spent the next 20 years going to their sports activities. My dad (Bradley Greenberg) started playing pickleball around when the boys were 5 years old. He would always try to get to play me, but I was like, "Tennis is king." So, I didn't pay much attention to it. When I lived in Atlanta around two and half years ago, he finally convinced me to play and since then, it expanded my social life.

What benefits do you get from playing pickleball?

The biggest benefit for me has been meeting people and developing friendships on and off the court. It's like a pickup game of basketball. You don't have to show up with a partner or at a designated time. You literally show up with your paddle and you can join.

How competitive are you?

When I play socially, I have to tone down my natural competitive spirit, but we did form a team here at Bayfront Park. That is where I can put on my game face, but I still try to be fair and friendly.

Name one thing you do that wins matches.

The most important thing for me is mental strength and confidence. I feed off positive enforcement from my partner, and I like to do the same for them. Keeping things energetically positive is the most important thing. The energy with your partner brings home a win.

Who has most influenced your game?

The elders who play at Bayfront inspire and influence me the most. I hope that at their age, I am physically and mentally able to play like them. 

What is the funniest thing or most embarrassing moment you’ve had playing?

My partner Sheila Loccisano started disco hour. During open play, she will play the hippest disco music, and we just sing and dance while attempting to play. It just is just fun and helps us grow closer. 

Why do you like playing pickleball?

In addition to making new friends, I can play with people of all ages, from 5 to 105. I love playing with my three sons. There isn't another sport where I feel competitive with youngsters and then have people who are 80 kick my butt. It's also designed with more equality between men's and women's skill levels in pickleball than you would in other sports.


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