Challenge match reached to name Florida Studio Theatre expansion

Still undergoing staff review, Florida Studio Theatre reaches capital campaign goal to name its multi-use expansion McGillicuddy Arts Plaza.

Florida Studio Theatre Arts Plaza will be built next door to the current building on First Street.
Florida Studio Theatre Arts Plaza will be built next door to the current building on First Street.
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On the same day Florida Studio Theatre had its second appearance before the city’s Development Review Committee, the organization announced that its planned multi-use expansion is now officially McGillicuddy Arts Plaza. 

That designation was pending the successful conclusion of a $4 million challenge match by benefactors Ed and Susan Maier to support Phase 1 of the project, which was recently achieved. 

Florida Studio Theatre is planning a nine-story building on a surface parking area next to its current facilities on First Street. It will include 24 residential units, 33 hotel rooms and 24,152 square feet of non-residential space. The apartments and hotel will provide short-term and long-term housing for visiting performers and employees of the downtown arts community.

A drawing shows the scale of the McGillicuddy Arts Plaza next to the existing Florida Studio Theatre facilities.
Courtesy image

Below the hotel and residences — which besides structured parking comprises the first phase — is planned a second main stage theater, two new cabaret theaters and restaurant and bar facilities, all as part of a second phase of development.

According to a news release, Florida Studio Theatre remains $1.5 million away from its $46 million capital campaign goal. To fill that gap, donor Carol Williams has issued a new giving challenge in which she will match up to $250,000.

Richard Hopkins.
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“Thanks to the generosity of our FST donors, the Maier Match is now complete and we are one step closer to breaking ground,” said Producing Artistic Director Richard Hopkins in the news release. “The new McGillicuddy Arts Plaza will provide first-class housing for our visiting artists, improved parking for our audience and celebrate the essence of American theatre with three new intimate theaters.”

The plaza was originally to be named the Mulva Arts Plaza in recognition of a donation by Pat and Mary Mulva. The Mulvas later made a surprise announcement, donating the naming rights back to FST. That resulted in the Maiers' challenge match campaign to name the plaza in honor of long-time benefactors Dennis and Graci McGillicuddy.

“This is the largest gift that Susan and I have ever given to a single organization, and we were thrilled to hear that the $4 million Maier Matching Challenge was met,” said Ed Maier in the news release. “It’s a testament to how strongly the Sarasota community shares our commitment to making the McGillicuddy Arts Plaza a reality.”

As for the staff approval process, enough unresolved matters remain to require another resubmittal to the DRC. Because the project is within a downtown zone district, the project needs only administrative approval pending any requested adjustments that may require scrutiny of the Planning Board.



Andrew Warfield

Andrew Warfield is the Sarasota Observer city reporter. He is a four-decade veteran of print media. A Florida native, he has spent most of his career in the Carolinas as a writer and editor, nearly a decade as co-founder and editor of a community newspaper in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

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