Sarasota Athlete of the Week: Elizabeth Lawson

The Sarasota High junior weightlifter punched her ticket to the state championships with a fifth place performance at regionals Feb. 1.

Elizabeth Lawson is a junior weightlifter on the Sarasota High girls varsity weightlifting team.
Elizabeth Lawson is a junior weightlifter on the Sarasota High girls varsity weightlifting team.
Photo by Dylan Campbell
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Elizabeth Lawson is a junior weightlifter on the Sarasota High girls weightlifting team. Lawson, who transferred to Sarasota from Venice this year to take part in the school's Circus Arts Magnet Program, placed fifth in the 154-pound division of the Girls Traditional 3A-Region 3 Championships Feb. 1 to punch her ticket to the state championships Feb. 14-15 in Lakeland.

Lawson put up a total score of 320, lifting 145 in the clean and jerk and 175 in the bench press.

When did you start weightlifting and why?

I started my freshman year at Venice, which is two years ago now. A couple of my close friends had started doing it and it looked really interesting. I was looking for a sport to do myself and decided to give it a shot.

What’s the appeal?

I love the community at meets. I love how we all support and congratulate each other, but also push each other to our limits which I think is important.

What's your best lift?

My favorite lift and the one that I’m best at is bench press. It’s always come the most naturally to me out of all the lifts.

What has gone right for your team this season?

We had a lot of girls place at districts and we all went to regionals which was a big accomplishment for us. Just continuously improving, honestly, that’s been the most important thing.

What was your experience at the regional meet like?

It was super intense, but we had a good time. There’s a lot of commotion with so many happy people and sad people in the same place that it kind of gets ingrained in your head.

What’s your favorite weightlifting memory?

Coach Schafer was driving us to Southeast High for one of our very first meets of the season. We were all in the back just singing really, really badly, which I think somehow helped Coach Schafer’s driving — she had to focus on the road to drone us out. It was super funny.

What’s your favorite food?

I’d say bagels with cream cheese, but not a little bit of cream cheese. You have to put a lot of cream cheese on it. I’m partial to everything bagels.

What’s your favorite movie or television show?

“10 Things I Hate About You.” It’s a top three movie for me.

What’s your favorite school subject?

Anything science related. I’m taking chemistry right now and just love the challenge of it.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I love anything from Fleetwood Mac and The Cranberries to Billie Eilish. I’ve recently gotten more into Clairo. 

What are your hobbies?

I like to go paddle boarding or do anything outside. I don’t do well sitting still.

What's the best advice that you've received?

You only fail if you don’t try.

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