- March 26, 2025
Winning partial sign-off on its third submittal to the city of Sarasota’s Development Review Committee was the Arts Plaza expansion of Florida Studio Theatre.
Now named McGillicuddy Arts Plaza in honor of long-time benefactors Dennis and Graci McGillicuddy, the expansion construction will over current surface parking next to FST along First Street. The nine-story building will include 24 residential units, 33 hotel rooms and 24,152 square feet of non-residential space. The apartments and hotel will provide short-term and long-term housing for visiting performers and employees of the downtown arts community.
To pay for the estimated $57 million project, which in later phases will include a second main stage theater, two cabaret theaters and restaurant, FST has raised more than $45 million in philanthropic contributions plus a $1 million appropriation from the state of Florida to support its plan to provide workforce housing.
The building will include structured parking above the performance space and beneath the residences and hotel with some 150 spaces.