- March 26, 2025
12:45 a.m., 500 block of Lyons Lane
Suspicious Incident: A resident said she heard someone talking outside of her residence and believed people were trying to enter through a back door. When police responded, they canvassed the area but did not see anything out of the ordinary. However, they discovered a neighbor had recently arrived home, and the vehicle was still warm to the touch. The complainant confirmed it was in the neighbor’s direction where she heard someone talking, which may have been the cause.
9:32 p.m., 600 block of Bay Isles Parkway
Disturbance: A security guard contacted emergency dispatch to report a disturbance with a man attempting to get through the security gate without permission. Upon arrival, a Longboat Key officer met with the security guard, who explained the male driver was denied entrance because he was not on the vendor list. The man initially refused to leave but eventually did, only to return multiple times, allegedly. The officer spoke with the male driver, who identified himself as a driver for many elderly residents inside the community, claiming his name should be on the list. The driver ended up calling one of his clients, who added the driver to the vendor list so he could proceed through the gates. The security guard gave the driver a pass to enter the gate and smooth over the issue.
3 a.m., 200 block of Sands Point Road
Suspicious Incident: A local resort contacted police in response to a fire extinguisher being used in the building. Longboat Key Fire Rescue had also responded to the scene to respond to a fire alarm call, and the department told the resort that someone must have taken a fire extinguisher out from the glass case, which triggered the alarm. Resort staff found the fire extinguisher used in an elevator room and the pin was across the room, indicating someone had used it. The Longboat Key Police Department documented the suspicious incident, but a lack of security cameras in the elevator room left no suspects.
12:30 p.m., 500 block of Norton Street
Citizen Assist: A resident called after she locked herself out of her residence and misplaced her keys. She requested assistance, and an officer could enter the residence through an unlocked window after verifying her identity and residence with her driver’s license.
6:33 p.m., 6000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Reckless Driver: A concerned citizen called to report a reckless driver with a ladder protruding from an open trunk while he was “driving erratically and passing in a no passing zone.” The citizen pointed out the truck in traffic when an officer arrived on the scene. After pointing out the vehicle, the complainant said he did not have time to give a statement since he was on his way to a dinner and was already late. He briefly explained the situation to the officer but refused to give a longer or written statement. The officer then spoke to the alleged erratic driver, who said traffic backed up and delayed him for a long time, and he admitted to passing one vehicle but said it was not in a reckless manner. The officer asked the driver to place a flag on the ladder for safety, which he did. The officer reminded him not to pass in a no passing zone and warned about reckless driving.
6:57 p.m., 3300 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen Assist: A citizen called 911 and wanted officers to solve the traffic delay on the island, which prompted dispatching a Longboat Key officer. The responding officer tried calling the complainant, who refused to answer. No officers were required for the "incident," though, since the severe backup was determined to be normal seasonal traffic.